Aveeno 日焼け止めローション(顔用) Active Naturals Continuous Protection Sunblock Lotion Face SPF-70 (85g)
コスメ&ビューティー > サンケア > UVカット・日焼け止め
メーカー:Aveeno 型番:Aveeno
販売価格: 1,640 円 
売り上げランキング: 41,529位 (2012-01-17)
★★★他ネットショップ比較★★★ 現在この商品の比較情報はありません
■商品紹介 Aveeno Continuous Protection Sunblock Lotion for the fact with SPF 70 is formulated specifically for the face and to provide better, longer-lasting sun protection. Unlike ordinary sunscreens, this formula combines patented Active Photobarrier Complex(TM), which maintains protection over time against the sun's harmful rays with natural soy proteins and vitamins A, C and E to help shield your skin from environmental damage. This oil-free, non-greasy formula is also hypoallergenic, noncomedogenic and waterproof.
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