Pearls Dew (500mLiter x 24 pcs/case)
ドリンク > 水・ミネラルウォーター > ミネラルウォーター(無発泡タイプ)
メーカー:五洲薬品 型番:五洲薬品
販売価格: 5,040 円
★★★他ネットショップ比較★★★ 現在この商品の比較情報はありません
■商品紹介 Pearls Dew (500mLiter x 24 pcs/case)
With all the lightness and sweetness of the water of a well or clear stream of long, long time ago, the refreshing texture of "Pearls Dew" may be the secret to its popularity in Japan. (Pearls Dew = 真珠の雫) After the melted snow waters of the Northern Alps Tateyama Mountain range penetrate deep into the stratum for many years, they collect the minerals straight from the earth soil. This is a natural mineral water that is drawn from the waters that have reached as deep as 300m beneath the surface of the earth at the foot of Tateyama Mountain. Only drawn and bottled at the water source after ordered, our product is truly fresh and produced on order. It is never left in any factories, stores, or in transit even for short period of time.
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