Marine Fantasy (500mLiter Bottle x 24 pcs/case)
ドリンク > 水・ミネラルウォーター > ミネラルウォーター(無発泡タイプ)
メーカー:五洲薬品 型番:五洲薬品
販売価格: 4,788 円
★★★他ネットショップ比較★★★ 現在この商品の比較情報はありません
■商品紹介 Marine Fantasy (500mLiter Bottle x 24 pcs/case)
This water is drawn from the water 321m deep in Toyama Bay of the Japan Sea. Particular to the Japan Sea only, the temperature of the deep sea water remains 2 degree-C and content of its inorganic substances (minerals) is steady all the year round. Since the sunlight does not reach there, photosynthesis does not occur and as the result minerals are not consumed and almost none of organic compound such as bacteria exsists, but instead various kinds of small amounts of vital minerals remain unconsumed. By special technique, the extra salt content is removed to be drinkable and delicious. This deep sea water contains apporox. 60 diffrent types of minerals and its mineral balance is very close to that of human blood, body fluid, and mother's amniotic fluid. Therefore its absorption ratio by human organ (once it is dranken through the mouth) is very high and quick, which means that it is the most natural to human body. This is the reason why it is highly appreciated as the water of health or " healthy water" in Japan.
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