Potable Aqua - Emergency Drinking water Germicidal Tablets 携帯用浄水タブレット
ホーム&キッチン > キッチン&テーブルウェア > 浄水器・整水器
メーカー:Wisconsin Pharmacal 型番:Wisconsin Pharmacal
販売価格: 2,640 円 
売り上げランキング: 69,360位 (2011-08-15)
★★★他ネットショップ比較★★★ 現在この商品の比較情報はありません
■商品紹介 Potable Aqua Water Purification Iodine Tablets (50 Tablets)
Iodine tablets designed to make contaminated water suitable for drinking
Tablets prove effective against Giardia lamblia when used as directed
Intended for short-term or limited emergency use only
Water is ready within 30 minutes; neutralizes iodine aftertaste and color
Ideal for campers, travelers, hikers, militaries, and emergency organizations
Used worldwide by campers, hikers, militaries, emergency organizations, and anyone else who needs to drink water of questionable quality, these Portable Aqua iodine tablets will disinfect contaminated drinking water in a pinch. The tablets--which are intended for short-term or limited emergency use only--make most water bacteriologically suitable for drinking, proving effective against Giardia lamblia when used as directed. Each Potable Aqua tablet contains 20 mg of Tetraglycine Hydroperiodide (TGHP), which liberates 8 mg of titratable iodine when released into water. Within 30 minutes, the iodine will have penetrated the cell walls of the microorganisms, rendering them inactive and making the water safe to drink. Potable Aqua tablets also neutralize the iodine aftertaste and color, helping your drinking water taste better.
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