American Girl Doll Named "Josefina" & Book - High Quality Collector's Item
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メーカー:American Girl
販売価格: 23,500 円
★★★他ネットショップ比較★★★ 現在この商品の比較情報はありません
■商品紹介 Josefina Doll & Paperback Book
Josefina's (ho-seh-FEE-nah) story comes alive as she arrives in her special New Mexican camisa and skirt authentic to her era.
She's soft and huggable with hair for styling and a body to pose. Plus, her adventures begin in the Meet Josefina book.
Josefina’s world:
Josefina’s love of nature follows Mamá’s traditions. But can she also embrace new ideas?
Product Description:
Josefina® opens up a whole world of play with authentic styles from 1824, during the opening of the Santa Fe Trail:
- A white camisa edged in lace
- A skirt with tiny flowers and a dark woven sash
- Hoop earrings, white drawers, and leather moccasins
- Mahogany-brown hair adorned with a blue satin ribbon and a tiny sprig of evening primroses
Josefina's 18-inch doll body is soft cloth; her head and limbs are smooth vinyl.
She's posable for hundreds of playtimes and can be treasured for years to come.
Her Meet Josefinabook enhances playtime with the first story of this hopeful girl growing up in 1824? and offers lessons about choices and friendship that still touch girls today.
Winner of the 1998 Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Platinum Award
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